Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Dear Member - It is that time of year that the ANNUAL dues for the lodge years 2025-2026 must be paid by March 31, 2025.
Lodge Dues $65,00
Grand Lodge Assessment $39.50
TOTAL $104.50
Hardship Fund (Optional) $0.50
Suggested Total $105.00
Dear LIFE Member - It is that time of year that the ANNUAL dues for the lodge years 2025-2026 must be paid by March 31, 2025.
Lodge Dues $32,00
Grand Lodge Assessment $37.00
State Association $2.50
TOTAL $71.50
Hardship Fund $0.50
Suggested Total $72.00
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Major Projects $15.00
or more.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Lodge Scholarship Fund $15.00
or more.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
New Lodge Fund $15.00
or more.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Elks National Foundation $15.00
or more.
When you support the Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge #2815 you make a commitment to the future.
One very simple way to make a gift to ELKS LODGE 2815 is in your will. Your bequest will help ensure your priorities and leadership will serve as a reminder to others, especially your family and friends, of the things you valued most in life. A bequest can take many forms. Here are a few of the more common ways of making such a gift:
A bequest to ELKS LODGE 2815 may be either unrestricted or a specific endowed purpose. The most useful kind of bequest is unrestricted, because it allows ELKS LODGE 2815 discretion in allocating funds where the need is greatest. However, some donors prefer to create permanent named endowment funds that support specific activities.
Sample wording of an unrestricted bequest would be:
I give, devise and bequeath to the Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge #2815, 16045 North Oracle Road, Catalina, Arizona 85739 an Arizona charitable corporation, [(____dollars) or (____ percent of the residue of my estate)] to be used for its general purposes.
Sample wording of a bequest in the form of an endowment for a restricted purpose would be:
I give [(____dollars) or (____ percent of the residue of my estate)] to the Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge #2815, 16045 North Oracle Road, Catalina, Arizona 85739 an Arizona charitable corporation, the income only to be used for the following purpose (____________). If in the future, it is the opinion of the Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge #2815 that all or part of the income of the fund cannot be usefully applied to the above purpose, the Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge #2815may use the same for any purpose within the Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge #2815 provided this memorial will continue to be recognized in some suitable manner.
If you and/or your legal adviser would like to know more about how you can help ELKS LODGE 2815 continue its work well into the future, you may email the Treasurer or call the office 520-825-0893. We will be happy to consult with you about various opportunities for charitable giving and the form of giving that is most suitable for you, your family and ELKS.
ELKS LODGE 2815is a registered 501(c)(8), charitable organization, Federal I.D. 86-1047498. Donations to the Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge #2815 are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
ELKS LODGE 2815 respects the privacy of its donors and has established a Donor Privacy Policy to protect your rights, which reads as follows: ELKS LODGE 2815 collects and uses personal information such as: name, address, phone number, and email address when a donor voluntarily provides it to us. In addition, ELKS LODGE 2815 keeps a record of each donor’s giving history. This information is kept on file for IRS purposes and is also used by the Development Department to analyze overall giving patterns in order to make more accurate budget projections.
ELKS LODGE 2815 never shares or sells its donor information to other individuals or organizations outside of ELKS. Donors at specific levels of giving are recognized by name only in our newsletter and annual report, unless they have previously indicated that they wish to remain anonymous.
Elks Lodges nationwide to promote the Organ Donor Program in their Lodge Bulletins and Lodge Web sites to help inspire members and citizens in their communities to make these life-saving donations.
The need is paramount. More than 111,000 patients are currently waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant and many thousands more would have their lives enriched through a tissue or corneal transplant. Please visit the Donate life America Web site, to learn more about this public health crisis and how you can help
Fortunately, we Elks Members can help! The effort of Lodges to promote the program through their Bulletins and Web site can gain them five points in their quests to be named an All American Lodge. More incentives will be announced in coming years as the program takes shape throughout Elkdom.
For more information on the importance of donation and how to become a registered donor in your state, click on the Donate Life icon to visit the Donate Life America website. This is a great way to show that “Elks Give from the Heart.”
If you are or become an organ donor and are interested in helping our lodge with the contest points, please email Exalted Ruler Gloria Cisneros at Please provide your name and contact information.
Copyright © 2018 Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge - All Rights Reserved. Web-Master: Ellen Fitzgerald 520-825-1907