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February is here. We have a month full of fun activities for you. We start with Bingo on Saturday February 1st. The fun starts at 2 pm. Texas Hold ‘Em card games are on Saturday February 8th and then on SUNDAY February 23rd. The future card games will be held on Sundays now that football is done for the season. Card games begin at 1 PM. Please sign up in the lounge so we know how many tables to set up. Darts happen on the back patio on Saturdays at 5 PM. We’re having a Super Bowl party on Sunday February 9th. It will be a potluck event beginning at 3 PM. The big game starts around 4:30. There is a sign-up sheet in the lounge for food items you’ll be bringing. Come for the football, or just come for the
good eats. On Saturday February 15th,there will be a Have A Heart fundraiser. It will benefit the Arizona Elks Major Projects. Please find the flyer in the Bugle for more information. Presidents Day is on Monday February 17th.
We will be putting the flags along Oracle road that day. They go up at 7 AM, and come down at 5 PM.
Wednesdays will continue to have full dinners on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays and the 1st and 3rd days will have bar tacos for you. Dinners are $15.00 for a complete meal, and the bar tacos are $2.00 each. Tacos are served from 4:30-6:30 or until sold out, except on Trivia nights then we stop serving at 6:00. Speaking of Trivia, that will happen on February 19th at 6:00. Come check it out.
We have a new Community project this month. On Tuesday February 18th we will be “stuffing bags” for
seniors. The event will be held in the lodge room at 1 PM. Impact of So. AZ-our local food bank has a list of 250 at risk seniors who will really benefit from our efforts. They will get a bag with items like: soup, crackers, milk, cookies, tuna and chicken, nuts, granola bars and peanut butter. The gift bags will be given to our senior friends in addition to the usual stipend that they receive monthly. This project is possible because of two grants from the grand lodge. The Beacon grant and the Gratitude grant total $8,000.00!!! This amount will make these bags be very impactful. Thank you to our awesome grant writer-Jack
Baillergeon for helping secure these funds to assist our less fortunate neighbors. There is s sign-up sheet in the lounge. Please sign up and help us with this worthwhile project.
Hello February, the month where all our good intentions to keep our New Year resolutions go down the drain. At least mine did. February is also the month we have our “Have a Heart” fund raiser that
benefits Steele Children's Research Center and many other charities through Major Projects. The date is February 15th join us to learn more about this wonderful organization, it will warm your heart.
We still have plenty of room on our “Honor Wall” which is located right outside the front door. You can honor members of the service, first responders and members of the police force. Contact Al Hensley to learn more. See Lodge Activities to see what else we have planned for this month.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Copyright © 2018 Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge - All Rights Reserved. Web-Master: Ellen Fitzgerald 520-825-1907